Create beautiful flashcard decks

Create your own from scratch or generate in seconds with AI. Learn, explain or present anything you want. Export pdf mini-books, ready for print cut-outs or images you can share online.

Get started for free
AI card & image Generation
Print ready (A4 + Letter)
No design / code
Smiley face handcrafted illustration

A delightfully simple web app

Create and export your decks and cards, simply by adding your images and texts. Or describe what you want and get it generated for you! Nothing new to learn, just sign up and start creating.

TinyDeck app screen
Scribbled note handcrafted illustration

Get knowledge on demand

Ask what you want to learn and get bite-sized information that is easy to read but also to retain long-term. Countless things to explore, one tiny tool that just works!

Scribbled note handcrafted illustration

Not just fun, but useful

Move beyond learning and teach, present or even use flash cards for marketing. With TinyDeck you imagine and create whatever you want.

Frequently Asked Questions